Monday, August 25, 2014

Recreate Your First Date

Last week, completely out of the blue, Cody told me that he wanted to recreate our first official date on Friday night. Now of course, my reaction was “Awww, of course!”. That was SO cute. I couldn’t wait. Our first official date was simple: mini golf and ice cream afterwards.

For our night he added in dinner and made the first meal he ever cooked for me (another first that happened on a different occasion). When I got to his house after work, he had breaded chicken, potatoes, and veggies waiting with Champagne and flowers. It was my favorite champagne (Coeur de Bulle), and a bouquet with a couple of gerbera daisies in it because he knows those are my favorite. We ate and cuddled and relaxed a little, then headed out. We went mini golfing at Golfland around sunset so that part of the way through our game the lights came on as it became dark (which in my pinon makes everything more magical and fun). I was in the lead for a while but I completely lost it at one of those volcano holes . (Those things are ridiculously tricky!) Cody took the lead and we made a couple of fun wagers but by the end we had stopped keeping score and were too busy laughing to know who had actually one. (Though my guess is that it was probably Cody since he’s so good at anything and everything sports related.) We kept our balls (just like we did the first time) as cute souvenirs. (Shh, don’t tell anyone!)

Afterwards, we went to Cold Stone and we both ended up getting milkshakes. They were delicious. We then headed back to his house to watch some TV, but we both ended up passing out cold and sleeping until 2am when I had to go home for my curfew.

It was such a cute little evening and he put a lot of work into getting my favorite things and making sure dinner was ready when I got home (he had to work on it in between work and coaching the local high school football team and then some more after football practice.) It was such a sweet idea, and he went all out. I couldn’t be luckier. He truly is the best man I know.

You can easily recreate your first date with your other half, and you can always add in new things or other old traditions like Cody did to make it longer date or fill the needs of the day (ours was that we obviously needed to eat dinner lol). This is such a simple idea that really goes a long way in the cuteness department.

At Golfland!

My pretty flowers!

Night lights!

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