Monday, August 25, 2014

Driving Range Date

This weekend Cody and I wanted an easy way to get outside, get moving, and blow off a little steam. So we headed to the driving range. We went up to Summit Pointe Golf Course, got a bucket of balls and whacked away. We aren’t the best at it (Cody is definitely better than me though, but he’s seriously good at all sports so that was no surprise), but it was fun just to get out there. It was a good activity, kept us moving rather than just laying around and watching movies all day, and let us laugh at ourselves and each other.

It wasn’t very expensive at all, so this sort of activity is very doable. Some golf courses let you grab a beer and take it out with you to the driving range, and you can even get a quick snack! Also, be sure that you know the rules for that particular course. Some golf courses only allow you to use irons on their driving range and not drivers. (Those are different kinds of clubs, just in case you aren't familiar with the terms.) Another recommendation I have when going to the driving range (or golfing in general) is to wear some kind of tennis shoes rather than flip flops. Better traction while hitting the ball, and probably more comfortable too. Other than that, go out and have a great time!

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